Getting started for commissioners

Getting started for commissioners

Getting started with PlaceCal can be broken down into 7 steps.

  1. Initial assessment: Complete an initial form to assess who in the community running events and groups might be interested in the partnership.
  2. Initial workshop: Work with the PlaceCal team to conduct an initial workshop together inviting everyone who might want to get involved in the partnership.
  3. Create neighbourhood team: Work with the PlaceCal team to agree on who is to become Coordinator/s (someone who manages PlaceCal in your area), and work with other organisations to set this up.
  4. Meet partners: Arrange for your Coordinators to contact all potential Partners (community groups), and ask to meet up. Fill out this form to get started.
  5. Conduct interviews: We arrange for the Coordinators to conduct the initial interviews with potential area Partners, and ask them to sign the onboarding form so we can get their information into one place.
  6. Create shared system: Coordinators go on to work with each Partner to get all their current event and organisation information into the PlaceCal system (assisted by PlaceCal).
  7. Periodic updates: Coordinators periodically check back with each Partner to keep the PlaceCal system up to date, and monitor the area as a whole for changes.

And that’s it! Once all the positions have been filled, PlaceCal runs smoothly with up-to-date events listings always available for your community.

Key benefits of PlaceCalDigital & Spatial inclusionGetting started for commissionersPlaceCal capability modelCo-creation: developing the PlaceCal prototype